Choose Gymnastics
Our lessons are based on the Rise Gymnastics programme Explore.

Explore offers fun, diverse, and engaging activities helping to build key foundation skills in young children. These lessons work on moves such as rolls, balances and going upside down, developing physical skills progressively throughout the programme, allowing gymnasts to move forward at their own pace and ability.
Class Details:
- When: Every Friday between 4pm - 8pm & Saturday 9am - 1pm
- Who: We are currently only delivering the Explore programme aimed at 5-11 years.
Choose Gymnastics Membership:
- Cost: £25.50 per month via direct debit (50 weeks a year)
- Lessons: An hour class per week
- Rewards: Gymnasts can achieve medals and certificates

Choose Gymnastics membership
Lessons follow the Rise Gymnastics programme Explore. Rise Gymnastics is an exciting, fun packed programme that provides a progressive journey through recreational gymnastics.
The Choose Gymnastics membership includes:
- £25.50 a month direct debit payments (50 weeks a year)
- An hour class per week
- Gymnasts can achieve medals and certificates
You will be able to track the progress of your child through a parent portal to see the progress during every level. Each strand has four levels through which the gymnast can progress, with each award achieved by completing 8 of the 12 skills.
- Walk with rotation
- Run
- Hop
- Key shapes
- Dish/Arch
- Turn in support
- Choice of one-foot balance
- Shaped jumps
- Half turn on one foot
- Dish to arch roll
- Side roll
- Bunny jump
- Walk with rotation on a bench
- Shaped jump on a bench
- Squat or straddle onto a raised surface from stand
- Shaped jumps from a raised surface
- Hang from apparatus with shapes and support
- Travel in hang along apparatus
- Rotate a hoop on the hand/Skip through a hoop
- Roll a hoop and travel creatively
- Skip through a rope forwards/Rotate a rope with Core Skills 1
- Bounce a ball with Core Skills 1/Throw and catch a ball with Core Skills 1
- Roll a ball and travel creatively
- Ribbon coils and/or snakes with Core Skills 1/ Run through a large ribbon circle in mirror plane
- Aerobic steps
- Grapevine
- Chassé step forwards/Chassé step side ways/Chaînés
- Hurdle step, rebound jump
- Shoulder stand
- Japana/Pike fold
- Press up
- Arabesque
- Straight jump with half turn
- Cat leap/Scissor leap –perform one sub skill: a. Cat leap b. Scissor leap
- Teddy bear roll
- Forward roll
- Arabesque on a bench/Half turn on one foot on a bench
- Cat leap on a bench/ Scissor leap on a bench
- Forward roll using a bench
- Squat or straddle onto a raised surface/Forward roll onto a raised surface
- Rebound shaped jumps from apparatus
- Leg lift using apparatus/Forward circle to stand using apparatus
- Rotate a hoop on the hand with Core Skills 1/ Cat leap through a hoop
- Boomerang a hoop with Core Skills 2
- Skip through a rope backwards/Figure of eight rope rotations with Core Skills 2
- Bounce a ball with Core Skills 2
- Throw and catch a ball with Core Skills 2/Roll a ball with Core Skills 2
- Ribbon coils and/or snakes with Core Skills 2/ Chassé step forwards with a large ribbon circle in wheel plane
- Chassé step into a choice of skill
- Supported levers
- Splits
- Bridge
- Frog balance/Headstand
- Y balance
- Straight jump with full turn
- Tuck jump with half turn
- Full turn on one foot
- Backward roll
- Cartwheel
- Handstand
- Y balance on a bench/Full turn on one/two feet on a bench
- Kick towards handstand on a bench
- Cartwheel using a bench
- Straight jump with full turn from a raised surface/Tuck jump with half turn from a raised surface
- Tuck lever using apparatus
- Circle up on a bar
- Rotate a hoop on a body part with Core Skills 2
- Boomerang a hoop or roll a hoop backwards with Core Skills 3/Throw and catch a hoop with Core Skills 2 or 3
- Skip through a rope with singles and doubles/ Chassé step with a choice of skill with figure of eight rope rotations
- Bounce a ball with Core Skills 3
- Throw and catch a ball with Core Skills 3/Roll a ball with Core Skills 3
- Ribbon coils and/or snakes with two Core Skills 2 and/or 3/Rotating jump with a large ribbon circle in table plane
- Perch
- Levers
- Advanced jump
- Advanced leap
- Backward roll to a creative finish
- Cartwheel on both sides
- One-handed cartwheel
- Cartwheel-snap
- Handstand forward roll
- Bridge kickover
- Handstand to bridge
- Acrobatic sequence with Core skills 2, 3 and/or 4
- Leap and/or jump sequence on a bench
- Handstand on a bench
- Squat through or straddle over a raised surface
- Advanced jumps from a raised surface or rebound from apparatus
- Cast into backward hip circle on a bar
- Levers using apparatus
- Rotate a hoop on a body part with Core Skills 3
- Boomerang a hoop or roll a hoop backwards with two Core Skills 3 and/or 4/Throw and catch a hoop with Core Skills 4
- Skip through a rope with singles, doubles and crossed/ Chassé step with figure of eight rotation to leap through a rope
- Bounce a ball with Core Skills 4/Throw and catch a ball with Core Skills 4
- Roll a ball on the body unassisted
- Ribbon coils, snakes and/or large circles with two Core Skills 3 and/or 4
Choose Gymnastics FAQs
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