Environmental Sustainability Statement

Leaving the world a better place 

We are committed to limiting our environmental impact so that those who come after us inherit a cleaner, safer, and more viable sustainable world.  

We aim to become carbon neutral by 2040, with carbon offset as the last option.  

We strive to reflect, improve, and innovate to reduce our environmental impact and to manage our operations in ways that are environmentally sustainable, economically feasible and socially responsible and will encourage our partners, contractors, and wider communities to join us in this effort.  

We recognise the key impact areas for us are the following:

Energy and Emissions Chemicals and Materials Landscape and Habitat
Waste Contractors Food
Procurement Waste use  



Everyone at Doncaster, Culture & Leisure Trust has a responsibility to consider their own actions to cut our energy use. We pledge to consider every aspect of our energy consumption in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to global warming.  

We aim to eliminate/reduce the need to use fossil fuels in our venues, strive to reduce our energy demand as much as possible, and prioritise efficiency measures.  

Our vision 

  • A portfolio that is actively managing its carbon footprint, reducing waste and energy usage. 
  • Using innovation to reduce our energy use and our environmental impact 
  • Educate our people and influence our local communities to make conscious environmental decisions 

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